
Sunday, 30 December 2012

My story

About 3 years ago, I started making my own soy candles. Just for personal use, at the time, I had no interest in selling them - it was just a hobby!

After I while, I had to give it up. I was a new mum and struggled with finding time for the new baby, hubby, house, myself and THEN to add a hobby on that? I thought it was impossible. So, with a heavy heart, I sold all my candle making equipment and tried to forget about it :(

It wasn't until a year ago, I stumbled on a company called Atise. Atise offered some of the most beautiful range of soy candles and melts (aroma bars) that I had ever seen (and smelt) and I could choose between doing party plan, catalogue sales, online sales (through my own online portal) or a combination of those sales techniques...

I was hooked and immediately joined as a consultant. I started doing parties and LOVED it. I could work with my precious soy candles without having to spend hours over a double boiler messing up fragrance loads (trust me, it's more of a problem than it sounds haha)

It also meant that I had a steady income with no outlay of cash and no promise of return on investment (that part made hubby VERY happy)

The only problem with all that? Atise has been advised by their accountant that the party plan model just isn't generating enough revenue for them to consider it a viable business model and they need to raise their prices. Um, really? As much as I love soy candles and melts, Atise are already at the higher end of expensive and I guess even they figured raising their prices wouldn't help, as no one would buy them!

And so, it was with that, that I decided to get back in the kitchen and make my much loved soy candles and related items! (YAY)

I wanted to add a couple of pictures for everyone to look at an admire (at least almost as much as I do)

Is Soy really safer?

what are soy candles?
Soy wax is a new alternative to paraffin wax, made from soybeans, is renewable and cost effective. The soybean is one of the most versatile products used today. It has been a high protein source for millions of people for thousands of years. Soybean wax also seems to be the most promising natural wax available.

Natural waxes such as soy waxes are gaining in popularity but natural waxes are not new. Beeswax and tallow were used in colonial times to produce candles. Beeswax is a great natural alternative to paraffin, but unfortunately, to get the same results as a soy-based candle, it is cost prohibitive to use 100% beeswax in candles.

Soy is in lots of things like body & skin care products, hair products, crayons, paint removers, and cleaning products. The production and burning of soy wax candles can greatly benefit the American agricultural economy. When soy wax replaces common paraffin wax, an estimated 60 million pounds of soy beans will be required for annual candle production. I predict we'll see some happy farmers!
Soy candles last three times longer than petroleum-based candles, have an incredible scent throw with virtually no black soot. 
are soy candles really "soot free"? 
Now, you may have read or heard other candle manufacturers claim that their all natural wax candles are "Soot Free". This is a big misconception. No candle can be "soot free", but natural wax candles do have less soot.
The only way a candle can be soot free is if the flame is completely blue (ie: propane torch), meaning there is 100% combustion. Unlike other soy candle manufacturers, we are not going to guarantee that our soybean wax is soot-free. To make a claim such as that would be misleading, and no wax can make that claim.
While soy wax its-self is all-natural and will not produce the thick black soot that you see on paraffin containers, it does produce soot - - a lighter, white soot!  Anytime you have a flame and combustion you may have soot and anytime you add synthetics such as fragrance oils and dyes, you will have soot. Additionally, using too large of a wick or the incorrect wick can produce soot as well. Poor performing candles can create more fine particulate -- like in smog -- than diesel buses on a downtown street.
Soot can be a "white soot" that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Soy wax will produce little black soot---you will not see that thick black ring on the jars, nor will it do the black soot damage to homes, but it may produce white soot. No other manufacturer will tell you that.
Misconceptions about Fragrance Ingredients 

Chemical Free?
Honestly, this is an impossible claim to make. Water is a chemical, air is a chemical, essential oils are chemicals, and the world as we know it is a configuration of various carbon chains. Our fragrance chemists are committed to making smart, responsible raw material choices and, whenever possible, obtaining materials from renewable plant resources (also known as essential oils). 
Our high quality fragrance oils contain no heavy metals (such as lead), are created just for us, using natural essential oils, aroma-chemicals, and are balanced perfectly to both optimize our blends and to create a clean burn!
A note from our aromachologist:
Regarding concerns about our fragrances, and the chemicals used to comprise them, our fragrances have been thoroughly tested and reviewed by the industry, multiple independent scientific panels, and regulatory agencies in the United States and abroad.  Specifically, the key fragrance industry scientific body comprised of leading scientists in related fields- Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM)- recently conducted a comprehensive toxicological review of all science available on aroma chemicals used in creating fragrances and affirmed their safety.
what are the differences between soy candles and paraffin candles? 
Some candle company's consider their candles to be "soy candles" even though they are "blended" with paraffin wax.  Soy wax candles can be called soy candles even if they are as little as 25% soy or vegetable wax! We urge you to thoroughly read the label, and ask if your candles are a "blend".
Soy Candles are made from 100% all natural waxes, which are soy and vegetable waxes (palm plant wax is used for our pillars).
Soy wax burns cleaner, lasts longer, holds more fragrance and supports American agriculture. It contains no toxic chemicals or carcinogenic compounds. Soy candles don’t put your health at risk. Soy candles do not release the toxins that paraffin candles emit.
Soy wax candles are crafted from soy beans. That part of your candle is absolutely all natural. Soy wax candles are not “all-natural” when you add dyes and fragrance oils. Once you add those two elements, your candle is no longer natural as they both contain chemicals.
Paraffin wax is a by-product of fuel refining - specifically, Paraffin is basically the "bottom of the barrel" even after asphalt is extracted. Paraffin is the final byproduct in the petroleum refining chain. 
Even "food grade" paraffin contains several known carcinogens (cancer causing agents) identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - such as benzene and toulene, which are released into the air as a paraffin candle burns. Some other air contaminants in paraffin fumes include methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), and naphthalene--substances found in paint, lacquer and varnish removers. 
Research suggests breathing paraffin fumes from a burning paraffin candle in an enclosed environment, has much the same detrimental effect as inhaling significant second-hand tobacco smoke, or even the exhaust fumes of a small diesel engine! The state of California, under its Proposition 65 Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, has identified at least seven major toxins in paraffin wax.
Our soy candles are crafted out of 100% kosher, FDA certified organic soybean wax.  Our soy wax has been specially blended and analyzed. It contains NO pesticides or herbicides and is NOT from genetically modified crops!
Our soy candles are eco-friendly, hand-crafted and biodegradable.  Custom crafted with top-grade fragrance oils, we guarantee our soy candles to be the safest, most fragrant eco-candle you'll find!
What does the National Candle Association have to say
It is interesting to note that the National Candle Association, the organization that represents the candle industry in the United States, has sent Mike Richards, president and founder of nationally known Candleworks Inc., a letter asking him to cease telling the public about the dangers of paraffin. When the American Lung Association made a similar announcement, the NCA threatened them with legal action.

Of course, such a reaction is expected because the oil industry has assumed a very dominant position in the candle manufacturing business. The oil industry not only sells their byproducts to the candle industry but also has four members sitting on the board of the National Candle Association.
are soy candles triple scented? 
With any candle, the recommended fragrance usage is one ounce of fragrance oil or less per pound of wax.
More is not always better and we know that "Triple Scented" is just a sales pitch used by some candle manufacturers.
More scent or fragrance oil does not mean more aroma. Just like there are different grades of fuel, there are also different grades of fragrance oils.  Some contain more "fragrance" and some contain more "fillers".
The true secret to "scent throw" as it is called in the candle industry, is the burn quality. The scent is "thrown" from the wax pool that is created.
Candlemaking is an art and a science. A good candle manufacturer plans, designs, and tests their candles with their fragrances per each candle container and size to ensure good scent "throw" and candle performance. Each fragrance has different "throw" qualities, and just "triple scenting" does not mean more fragrance.
In fact too much fragrance can cause the candle wick to mushroom, smoke when burned, and could even cause the candle itself to combust causing shooting flames eight inches above the candle (guess how we know that! :) ).
Divinity Soy Candles are all designed and tested to burn properly, creating a safe, clean, and aromatic candle.
our thoughts 
 The fact is that Divinity Soy Candles are a cleaner burning, healthier alternative to other scented candles. They burn longer than paraffin by almost double in time, and burn cooler than paraffin, creating an out of this world fragrance experience! Our soy wax is also very creamy, opaque and soft.

We think you will be pleased with both the appearance and the performance of our candles. Divinity Soy Candles are made with wax from 100% natural soybeans and contain NO UNNECESSARY CHEMICAL ADDITIVES such as UV light reflectors and chemical wax stabilizers! Our soybean wax contains no paraffin and therefore no petroleum by-products! Our fragrance oils are non-diluted, full strength scents specifically formulated for use in soy candle wax! 
We have spent an overwhelming amount of time testing each and every type of candle we offer, to ensure our candles offer you the best burn times, appearance, and Fragrance-ing Power!
We believe that in order to produce a quality candle, you must start out with high quality ingredients. Sometimes, you have to pay a little more for high quality.
We guarantee that you will find that our candles are well worth the money!

Saturday, 29 December 2012


Hi everyone,

Welcome to my first post :) I wont keep you long, I promise. I just wanted to say hi and to introduce myself.

My name is Mishelle and I am the owner of Divinity Candles. I'm hoping to get to know you all a little better as the weeks roll by...

Chat soon.

Much love, Mishelle xox